Thursday, May 29, 2008

McCain Invites Obama to Visit Iraq

Last Sunday, I wrote about a group of veterans that were criticizing Barack Obama because he had failed to meet one on one with David Petraeus and because Obama had not visited Iraq in two and a half years. John McCain has now taken up this issue as well, at least the latter part. Here is the LA Times headline.

McCain challenges Obama to visit Iraq

Now you can’t always trust an LA Times headline, but this was actually seems to fit the story. McCain has invited Obama to accompany him on a trip to Iraq. Obama reportedly is planning a trip this summer, though not with McCain. Obama’s campaign called such a joint trip a “political stunt.”

Well it would be a political stunt, as well as a security nightmare, but it might have value beyond that. Having the presumptive Democratic and Republican nominees touring Iraq together would send a message to world in general and Iraq in particular that the United States is united in support of out troops and committed to ensuring a stable Iraq. Unfortunately, while I am sure Obama supports our troops in a general way, I don’t think he is nearly as committed to a stable Iraq.

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