Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Payback for "Pimping" Chelsea?

I just read that on Monday night, while discussing Barak Obama on Chris Matthews' Hardball, someone at MSNBC mistakenly flashed a picture of Osama Bin Laden. Maybe they were trying to make up for David Shuster saying the Clinton campaign was "pimping" Chelsea?

But seriously, it is an easy mistake to make. I will admit I have said Osama once or twice meaning to say Obama. I have also found myself. when glancing quickly at a headline, seeing "Osama" when "Obama" is written. I didn't mean to do it any more than I intended to call my then girlfriend Melinda by my ex-girlfriend's name (Melissa). Trust me, I REALLY didn't want to do that. What is really unfortunate is that this coincedental similarity in names just makes it easier for unscrupulous people to spread false rumors that Barak Obama is an Islamic Manchurian Candidate, a secret muslim that will deliver us to our enemies from the Oval Office.

Much as I do NOT want Obama to be president, I do not want him to lose as a result of prejudice and racism. I think McCain will win an honest campaign with a true debate on issues. But that rarely if ever seems to be how things play out.

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