Just for the record, I thought Obama's speech was great. He said a lot of really important things. I only wish he was a Republican. But he's not; he's toast, at least on EBay.

There is a very conspiratorial description of how this toast came to be on EBay.
Yesterday morning my wife asked me if I wanted toast for breakfast. I said "sure." Now I wish that I had never said that. Because what appeared on my slice of toast was the strangest image that has the uncanny likeness of Barack Obama. What could this possibly mean? Its not my imagination either, just LOOK at the photograph! ITS OBAMA. I checked my toaster. Its Just a regular old toaster that has never produced anything like this before!
But it doesn't end there. I e-mailed a picture of the wierd toast to a friend of mine, asking him for his opinion. He forwarded it to some Hillary Clinton campaign person and by 4pm I heard a knock at my door. "We'll give you $20 bucks for the Obama Toast." Two men stood in my doorway, both neatly dressed, the older of the two seemed to be the spokesperson. He reached into his pocket and produced a roll of cash. Peeling of a crisp $20, he handed it to me. I almost took it, but then something didn't make sense.
"Who are you and why do you want my toast?" I queried. "Let's just say that we're with the Clinton campaign and this toast with the Obama apparition on it is something that is a little inconvenient right now." "I see." I said as I slowly closed and locked the screen door. "I think I can get a better offer on Ebay."
The men made one more offer of $25, but left unhappily when I suggested they check out my Ebay auction page.
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