Wednesday, May 28, 2008

YouTube Terrorism?

Senator Joe Lieberman is trying to get Google, the parent company of YouTube, to take down videos he believes were posted by Al Qaeda or Al Qaeda sympathizers. As I understand it, Google has taken down approximately 80 videos identified by Lieberman which the company found violated their community guidelines, but have left up others, including one video which purportedly shows an American soldier being killed by sniper fire. This video shows Senator Lieberman being interviewed by Fox News about the videos.

I agree that the proper adjective to describe the videos is disgusting. I think Senator Lieberman should be applauded bringing the videos to the attention of both Google and the American people. But near the end of the video, Senator Lieberman brings up the possibility of legislation if Google fails to take down the video. Disgusting as those videos may be, and regardless of whether such videos might attract those sympathetic to Islamic terror organizations, I do not believe government censorship is the answer. Ultimately it won’t work, and it doesn’t seem right that the United States should try to join China in censoring the Internet.

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